Casa de los Angeles is one of the official charities of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon! Visit their TEAM CASA Facebook page HERE
The 10th Anniversary of celebration of the founding of Casa de los Angeles is on May 22, 2010. The dinner and silent auction is called Angeles & Milagros (Angels and Miracles) and will be held in Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois. For more information click HERE.
Casa de los Angeles is on Good Search, a search engine that donates a penny to your charity everytime you do a search. All one has to do is go to www.goodsearch.com, type in Casa de los Angeles as the charity and the pennies will go to Casa.
To keep up with Casa news, visit their Facebook page and add them as a friend HERE.
Everyone here at Casa de los Angeles is thrilled to be connected to your World Cultures online class. Professor Kulik has provided you with some good information and great opportunities. I look forward to being a part of your service-learning projects!
Thanks so much, Donna, and to everyone at Casa de los Angeles! We will stay in close touch over the next several weeks as the students work on the service project. It is an honor to have you as our ASL partner!
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