Tuesday, August 31, 2010

San Miguel de Allende Organic Farmers' Market

The Organic Farmers' Market - Parque Juarez - Sat. 9-2 - San Miguel de Allende
The Tianguis Organic Farmers' Market in Parque Juarez is the place to be on Saturdays from 9-2 pm -- to support local organic farmers from the area around San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, meet friends and socialize, and eat delicious prepared foods. Yes, San Miguel has two large grocery stores, but I try to purchase food and other goods from this market and from other produce markets and tienditas (small stores) in my neighborhood. It is so important to support local producers and shopkeepers, especially in these difficult economic times. Below is a slide show of the Sat. organic market on a sunny day in the beautiful Parque Juarez.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Business Development Around The World

Why is intercultural competence so important for all students, even those majoring in accounting, management, business administration, entrepreneurhsip, etc.? Well, there are many reasons. According to the Association of American Colleges & Universities,

"Educational success must be measured by our most ambitious striving for essential learning. College degrees will increasingly be judged by their global position (in a comparative and competitive sense, e.g., the Bologna Process) as well as their global positioning (how well they correlate to graduates who can compete in a global economy and act on their civic and ethical commitments in an interdependent and diverse world)" GLOBAL POSITIONING Essential Learning, Student Success, and the Currency of U.S. Degrees - (http://www.aacu.org/meetings/annualmeeting/index.cfm)

I learned today that the Peace Corps is now hiring senior and mid-level managers for overseas positions. (See the link I posted on the right margin for a link to that website.) Whether through a job or a volunteer position in the Peace Corps, a business major can contribute a great deal in helping promote economic development in communities all around the world at a grassroots level.