Murphy and me, at the cast party.
The Broadway Loves Casita Linda Musical on Aug 19th and 20th was spectacular! Kathy Patterson did a superb job coordinating the Casita Linda volunteers and I really enjoyed reading Jean Gerber's interview with Broadway actor, Colin Cunliffe, in Atencion San Miguel, the local newspaper. You can read the interview on the Atencion website. Just go to the following link, click on Theater and you will see a link to the August 14th article: Atencion Archives
Colin was introduced to Casita Linda by his father, Charles Cunliffe, a member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit organization.
Colin explained the theme of the performance:
Colin went on to tell Jean about the Broadway regulars, who joined him for the performance:
"They’re all in the business here in New York City. I worked with Ben Cameron, Kathryn Murphy and our Musical Director, Elizabeth Nantais, on the national tour of Sweet Charity with Molly Ringwald. The other cast members, Austin Lesch and Stephanie Umoh, I’ve worked with on different ventures, and they are all very talented. It’s so nice for us in the city to work with our friends and not have to succumb to the casting director’s or the director’s decisions on who they want to put in the show, and it’s great to pick people who are very talented and whom you enjoy working with."
After the show, these talented performers joined Casita Linda volunteers and supporters for a margarita cast party across the street from the theater. While I could not take photos during the performance, here are a few photos from the evening.